When we look at the interpreting profession of those that completed the ASLI 2021 survey 89.56% White and 8.84% Ethnic minorities
Akbar Sidker (2019) quotes the OPM figures that 20% of the total deaf population is from ethnic minority. He breaks this down as 1% South Asian heritage, 0.4% muslin, where the Muslim population in the UK is 5% of the total population.
However, when this is broken down IOC’s – interpreters of colour are a fraction of the total interpreting population.
We can add in the mix religion, culture and language and we can see that Black/Asian Deaf population is under served.
Interpreters of colour seeks to redress this under representation of IOC’s within the profession and offer a safe, nurturing and supportive environment for our colleagues of colour.
C/O Brown Mcloud
Interpreters of colour network CIC
24 Hanover Square
IOCN is not an interpreting agency. Booking an interpreter or translator through this site means that you agree to abide by the individual’s terms of business and charges. These terms will be provided to you by the individual at the time of booking. IOCN does not take any responsibility for individual business arrangements made when making a direct booking with a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter or translator. BSL IOCN acts as an introduction platform and does not charge for its services.